MIN 2 Batam Holds Waste Bank Program

Batam - The Waste Bank Program is an effort to utilize discarded rubbish so that it can be sold and make money and also keep the environment clean.

To make this happen, the Head of MIN 2 Batam, Imas Sa'adah, held a Waste Bank program at MIN 2 Batam. The trash that has been thrown away is selected and separated into plastic and paper and then collected.

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On Tuesday 22 February 2022 there will be a sale of rubbish at MIN 2 Batam, apart from the rubbish that is usually thrown into the rubbish bin, as well as books and papers that are no longer used, transport trucks garbage comes to the madrasah to weigh and transport the rubbish.

Waste is always a problem wherever it is. With this waste bank program, it is hoped that awareness of throwing waste in its place can be made a habit of by students and that this waste can produce funds to be used in madrasas. (PR_MIN2).