
Here at GreenSaver a collection of the latest news from us.

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2023, 10 October

Batam City Environmental Service

The Batam City Environmental Service together with the Batam City PKK Mobilization Team carried out socialization on sorting waste from home in Tembesi Village, Sagulung District.

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2023, 10 October

Batam City National Waste Day

National Waste Awareness Day (HPSN) is celebrated every February 21. The Ministry of Environment declared February 21 2006 as National Waste Awareness Day for the first time.

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2023, 10 October

Inaugurates Waste Recycling Facility in Batam

Batam, the Government continues to encourage the commitment of parties to recycle plastic waste into more useful products.

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2023, 10 October

ITEBA Discusses Waste Management Cooperation

Batam City Environmental Service (DLH) official, Mr. Ip, ST., MT. as Head of Environmental Protection and his team visited the Batam Institute of Technology (ITEBA) on Monday 17 April 2023.

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2023, 10 October

In Batam, there is now a Green Industry Company

Working together with the community, this German company collects plastic bottle waste from people's homes and recycles it into Coffee Makers or coffee making machines.

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2023, 10 October

MIN 2 Batam Adakan Program Bank Sampah

The Waste Bank Program is an effort to utilize discarded rubbish so that it can be sold and make money and also keep the environment clean.


Here are some of Indonesia famous trash communities